249 Geniner St, Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, 23560

Temperature Control

Temperature Control

Temperature Control

We offer groundbreaking cooling systems that include add-on-chilling as well as brine, plate and IQF tunnel freezers and thawing and equalizing applications designed to deliver  in class temperature control in chilling, freezing and thawing. From freezing to refreshing, our systems increase efficiency, quality and throughput on any fish production line, be it pelagic, groundfish, salmon or shellfish.

Game-changing add-on chilling, freezig and thawing equipment.

Our add-on chilling method for preservation of fresh fish helped to improve the CO2 footprint of food production.  You can keep products fresh and unfrozen in a sub-zero state without using any ice far longer than  traditional methods. It keeps the fish firmer, extends shelf life and supports sustainability  fewer cargo costs and more flexible transportation.Our freezing systems are innovative, efficient and cost-effective. Whether you need IQF or crust freezing, brine or block freezing, we have the system for you. Easily integrated with new or existing processing flow, our freezers use the fastest and most efficient methods available. With our thawing equipment you can match the quality of fresh fish with superior refreshed product. Continuous in-line production flow delivers higher production yield and better shelf life on the refresh market.

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