Midwest Tank Co

Midwest Tank Co

17368 197th Ave NW Big Lake, MN 55309

AboutMidwest Tank Co

Our fabrication techniques have been developed through years of tank specialization, combined with personnel who are experienced in all phases of our operation, providing Midwest Tank Company with the quality vessels that our customers have come to rely on.

In the business industry, reputation management is crucial. This is why we work directly with our customers and review all information before ever making a sale or providing any service to them. The Midwest Tank Co. has earned this reputation through both delivering high-quality tank products and providing competitive prices to each of our customers throughout the midwest United States.

Thinking about buying a tank? Choosing the wrong tank is like playing Russian roulette. Depending on your industry, choosing the right tank can mean the difference between life and death. With so many options and so many specs and features, how do you choose the right tank? The answer is simple — speak with someone from Midwest Tank.

If you need help with your next purchase of water tanks or bulk liquid storage equipment, then get in touch with Midwest Tank Co. We’ve been in business since 1972 and we’d love to help you for many years to come.