Glenair (UK) Ltd

Glenair (UK) Ltd

40 Lower Oakham Way, Mansfield NG18 5BY, United Kingdom

AboutGlenair (UK) Ltd

Constant, Relentless Interconnect Innovation

We often get asked about our commitment at Glenair to new product development. Customers are rightly concerned whether or not they are partnering with an organisation that will help keep them competitive with the latest ideas and innovations. Nowadays, customers want a design-partner—not just a supplier—and are intensely interested in how effectively we are positioned to fulfill that role. Electrical and optical interconnect systems are the power and data backbones of “mission-critical” electronics. From the flight deck to the battlefield the demand for lighter, faster, and smarter interconnect technology challenges our engineers and inventors to develop, test and qualify solutions that truly “do a job” for the customer. Our focus is on innovations with clear, concrete application in the real world. Nobody wants a science project when the demands for improved performance are right here and right now for the individuals and teams that depend on these technologies to complete their mission.

A Humble Commitment to Listen to the Customer

Glenair manufactures and supplies a number of innovative interconnect solutions that were real game-changers when they were first introduced. The Series 80 Mighty Mouse is a perfect example. This “half-size” cylindrical connector revolutionized soldier wearable interconnect systems, and grew into one of the most successful new connector families the military and aerospace industries have ever seen. How did we do it? First and foremost by biting our collective tongues and listening to the customer. Time and time again we have re-learned the wisdom of bringing a humble and practical attitude into design discussions. Our overriding goal is maximizing utility to the customer. And you can’t do that if you come to the party with an arrogant attitude.