Eltorque AS

Eltorque AS

Julianus Holms Veg 34, N-7041 TRONDHEIM

AboutEltorque AS

The company headquarter is located in Trondheim, Norway. Additionally, we are present with sales representatives and production facilities abroad. Our ambition is to be wherever the customers are. Overall, 80 employees dedicate themselves to making Eltorque the preferred partner for electric valve control solutions.

We believe that securing a maintenance-free operation during the life cycle is crucial for the customers. So is providing the best operational flexibility, the lowest power consumption, and the smallest footprint.

Since the start in 1996, the company has developed a wide range of high-performance actuators with this in mind. Today, more than 120.000+ Eltorque actuators have been installed onboard over 1000 vessels.

The company has built a strong market position, which has been possible through first conquering the fishing and OSV markets. As time has gone by, we have made a footprint in increasingly more markets around the world. Nevertheless, looking ahead, this is only the beginning. Our goal will always be to provide our customers with reliable, cost-effective, and user-friendly products for many applications.

To do this, innovation is the key to success. Eltorque places huge efforts into developing the products and solutions of the future. Our ambition is to remain the frontrunner in the market, both in technical performance and product portfolio. Besides, providing our customers with service and support will remain an increasingly important focus.