AFA Systems Ltd.

AFA Systems Ltd.

8 Tilbury Ct, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 3T4

AboutAFA Systems Ltd.

A Proven Partner

AFA Systems Ltd. (AFA) is a secondary packaging machinery manufacturer whose focus is to provide customers with the best in engineered product handling and packaging machinery solutions. Our team’s extensive experience coupled with state of the art engineering tools and facilities assures our customers a proven partner for fulfilling their packaging automation requirements.

Unique Solutions = Competitive Advantage

AFA recognizes that many of our customer’s products and processes are unique. Off-the-shelf automation solutions are sometimes not the right solution for unique product applications. Combining customer’s product and process knowledge with AFA’s automation expertise will lead to solutions that will provide a quick return-on-investment, high operating efficiency, and a competitive advantage in packaging automation.

System Machinery Integration

Successful system integration requires the combination of standard off-the-shelf components with specific engineered processes and components into an effective and reliable manufacturing cell. What is required is a Packaging Automation Specialist that has the knowledge of the individual components as well as mechanical and electrical engineering, fabrication, assembly and testing capability to successfully complete the system. AFA provides this capability. AFA Systems’ engineering will not reinvent the individual component, but will reinvent the process to match your automation needs.