I&M Industrials Inc.

I&M Industrials Inc.

10 Akron Dr, Greenville, SC 29605, United States

LRS-Series – Variable Speed Rotary Screw Compressor

LRS-Series – Variable Speed Rotary Screw Compressor

LRS-Series Variable Speed Rotary Screw Compressor

Gardner Denver LRS Series variable speed compressors set’s a new standard in its comprehensive range of variable speed oil-lubricated rotary screw air compressors from 10 HP to 400 HP. The LRS Series rotary screw compressors employ an innovating variable speed compressors inverter drive system that precisely matches power consumption with air demand, providing world-class energy efficiency.

The LRS rotary screw premium efficiency airend has a high output compression element with slow rotational speed, which further reduces energy costs and increases reliability. Service components are conveniently grouped for reduced downtime and economical maintenance. A quiet enclosure and small footprint make the LRS Series a versatile variable speed rotary screw compressor line.

When space is limited, look to our clean AirStation configuraAtions. Equipped with mounted tank and dryer options, our AirStation package is sure to be a good fit.

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