Acme Manufacturin

Acme Manufacturin

Acme Manufacturing 4240 N. Atlantic Blvd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326

Robotic Buffing Machines

Robotic Buffing Machines

Robotic Buffing Machines

Are used by companies that are some of the highest volume producers in their respective industries. Acme buffing heads are engineered up to 12’ wide for large part batches in order to maximize through put.

Robotic Buffing Overview

With decades of experience, Acme’s buffing machines produce a blend of consistent high-quality surface finishes with a production rate that has been un-achievable by competitive solutions.

Industry leading robotic knowledge gives Acme an advantage with coverage on complex geometric shapes and also provides an advantage in finding the right media and compound formula to produce an accurate and repeatable surface finish that will set your products apart. Whether it be a mush, color, or cut buff application, Acme has the experience you need to get the perfect surface finish.

Buffing Value Proposal

Acme’s patented multiple part EOAT’s are able to hold large part batches while still providing maximum part coverage and consistent finishes.

Customers consistently choose Acme for precision applications, such as those needed in the medical industry as well as in automotive, industrial, consumer products, motorcycles, and transportation.

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