3nine AB

3nine AB

Cylindervägen 12131 52 Nacka StrandSweden

About3nine AB

3nine is a Swedish company that develops solutions for the purification of processed air. Our revolutionary technology is based on disc stack separation, which resolves in an extremely high degree of purification in a very compact format and requires a minimum of maintenance.

The liquid to gas separation is an invention over 100 years old. Over the past decade, 3nine has won a large share of the global patents and has now acquired around 100 patents within disc stack separation.

3nine – Ownership Structure

3nine is owned in part by Sagri Development. They are a part of the Grimaldi Industri Group, a family of companies owned and lead by Salvatore Grimaldi. Other minority owners are 3nine AB management and employees, Christoffer Kurpátow and Tommy Henningsson.

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