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WIN SOURCE, a leading global independent distributor of electronic components, has advanced to the 16th position in Supply Chain Connect's Top 50 Global Electronic Component Distributors list for 2024, an improvement from its 18th position in 2023. This improvement reflects WIN SOURCE's stable performance in electronic component supply chain management and its effective response to global customer demands. Established in 1999, WIN SOURCE has continuously optimized supply cha Read more...

CHESTNUT RIDGE, N.Y., Nov. 7, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Teledyne LeCroy today announced the availability of its Teledyne Test Tools (T3)-branded portfolio of test equipment through High-Service Distributor (HSD) partners. The T3 portfolio offers turnkey and affordable ancillary test equipment that engineers, developers and schools can use to assemble a well-equipped test be Read more...

PORTLAND, Ore., May 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BlueVolt has implemented its e-Learning platform for WernerCo – a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of consumer and professional products for climbing, fall protection and storage – to educate its distributors about selecting and safely using the Greenville, Pa., company’s products. According Read more...