Source Energy

Habeebulla Khan
About: Habeebulla Khan - Director

Director - Business Development at Source Energy/ Director - Rental Business Unit at IES.

1. What is the need for Trigeneration in Saudi Arabia?
With an ever rising power demand in the Kingdom, an efficient use of fossil fuel has become a major concern and a pushing need. With the present efficiency of around 30% in power generation, we are draining out our country’s valuable assets every day and getting much less than what we could get from it. Trigeneration is the most efficient way of utilizing our fossil fuel. With an overall efficiency of more than 80%, we can offer power along with cooling & heating/hot water by tapping onto the waste heat that is otherwise lost in the power generation process. With efficiency being a major area of focus now, trigeneration stands out as the best bet.

2. What is often overlooked while implementing energy efficient solutions like District Cooling and Trigeneration?
District cooling & trigeneration goes hand in hand as we can use trigeneration philosophy while designing a district cooling plant. The major advantage of using District cooling is the diversity factor that can be built into it during the design stage which brings down the total installed capacity and the peak power demand when compared to cooling plants installed individually for each facility. What is normally overlooked is the importance of the actual load calculation, load profile study, actual safety factor that has to be considered, and it ends up in oversizing the plant with defeats the whole purpose of the same.

3. According to you, what is the immediate focus for Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia should and is now focusing on how efficiently their resources can be used. Awareness among the end users have to be focused on a large scale as more than 50% of the power generated is consumed in the highly subsidized residential sector. A very sensible use in this sector will really bring in a world of change.

4. Can large buildings and manufacturing units with conventional cooling system adopt District cooling or Trigeneration without affecting the existing infrastructure?
Adopting District cooling without affecting the existing infrastructure would be a matter that needs a case to case study. If the existing cooling system uses chilled water then the transformation can be done with very minimum changes. Also power from trigeneration plant can be fed to the existing facility with very few modification as it involves feeding directly to the existing switchgear.

5. What are you contributing in this space and to the environment?
Our Company was established in 2007 with the very moto of efficient cooling and power by tapping into the CHP (Combined Heat & Power) and the trigeneration concept. With onsite trigeneration & CHP plants put up we are reducing the carbon foot print compared to the same amount of power generated far off in a power plant where the heat is wasted along with incurring a huge transmission loss before the power reaches the facility.

Mr. Habeebulla to be part of the “2nd Annual District Cooling and Trigeneration Summit 2016” (4th – 5th of May 2016) Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

For more information contact Mr. Jagadish Kumar [email protected] telephone - +91 80 4933 1000 / 971 56 5537 163