
Matthew E. Boyer
About: Matthew E. Boyer - Co-Founder & COO

Matthew E. Boyer is the Co-founder and COO of Zylter. He is a recognized expert & speaker on the integration of autonomous vehicles in operations. He leads development and integration of emerging worksite technologies to improve operations in engineering, logistics, and energy. Boyer’s areas of expertise include applied technologies and innovative products for engineering, logistics, onshore exploratory operations, special operations, and related off-highway commercial applications. He brings 18+ years of experience in managing operations and leading cross-functional teams for cooperative innovation and technology implementation in a range of areas—logistics, transportation, engineering, intelligence, special operations.

1. How will Zylter guide, support, and develop the worksites of the future?

Zylter works with market leaders and innovative product developers to turn unmanned systems and other emerging technologies into practical capabilities for logistics, engineering, energy and defense applications. We excel at global projects that integrate analysis, design, and engineering to deliver bespoke technology solutions.

2. What is Zylter’s approach in integrating emerging technologies to improve operations of customers?

Zylter focuses on assessing and addressing the practical requirements that influence need for and appropriateness of emerging technologies based on the Zylter Sociotechnical Systems Design Approach. Key aspects of Zylter’s approach include 1) emerging technology, 2) tasks/processes executed, 3) organizational structure, 4) workforce and 5) operating environment factors. We use this approach to help clients to consider the broader impacts of technology options for specific uses cases and their associated measures of performance (MOPs) and measures of effectiveness (MOEs).
3. Can you please explain the algorithm applied to systematically assess and rank UAV options?

Zylter’s first project in 2016 was to design and implement an algorithm to systematically assess and prioritize unmanned aerial systems (UASs) for commercial use cases based on UAS attribute 72 data points collected and application of 26 use case specific requirements. Zylter’s UAS assessment algorithm generally applies a Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methodology weight system attributes based on the prioritization of user requirements for a specific commercial use case, such as Vertical Site Monitoring (VSM), Linear Infrastructure Assessment (LIA) and Soil & Field Analysis (SFA).

We developed these rankings are based on our independent analysis to help current and potential UAS users identify the best UAS models for additional consideration. Our rankings are not sponsored by and are not intended to promote any UAS manufacturer or model. While Zylter designed the UAS Database resource explicitly for UAS systems, the methodology is applicable to a range of other emerging technologies with appropriate identification of use case requirements and system performance attributes.


4. How is Zylter’s Commercial Technology Life Cycle beneficial to customer? Please explain in detail.

Our Commercial Technology Life Cycle provides clients a structured and systematic way to identify and consider requirements associated with commercial technology use from identification and assessment of commercial user/case needs to technology selection to long-term technology sustainment/support. We apply the Life Cycle during our technology scout, assessment and implementation process to make sure client decisions identify and assess both the immediate and long-term resources required for successful application of emerging technology.

Technology Life Cycle

5. How do you analyze data to prioritize user needs from a wide array of UAS use cases? Also, kindly explain how will you apply field expertise?

Identification and assessment of user needs are based on extensive interaction with representative users and field-observation of key tasks and processes. We apply our product design experience and expertise to conduct user-centered analysis to develop detailed qualitative and quantitative models of commercial technology applications. For example, our UAS Employment Profile identifies each phase of UAS employment and provides a framework to guide identification of key user requirements by phase.

We also use field expertise to review and validate completed products like the UAS assessment algorithm to ensure they represent the full range of considerations and tradeoffs that determine the appropriateness of a system or technology to address the use case requirements.

Finally, we draw on our international network of subject-matter experts to provide focused and one-on-one consultation with clients on specific technical considerations, such as assessing sensor capabilities or industry-specific technology applications.

6. What are the industrial sectors you targeting to help customers turn emerging technologies into value-producing capabilities?

Zylter primarily focuses on technology applications for the logistics, engineering, energy and security sectors. We focus on these industries due to their immediate needs and practical use of technologies to address user needs, often in challenging environments. These sectors share a common feature--successful adoption of emerging technologies requires understanding each sociotechnical system, aspect and how it impacts technology needs and benefits.

Focusing on these sectors allows us to focus on our passion identifying and understanding commercial user requirements through analysis, design, and engineering.

7. Zylter Uses 26 Different User Requirements to Capture the Unique Needs and Priorities of Each UAV use case.

Please explain these user requirements in detail.

The user requirements are a set of attributes that define how the technology, in this case, UASs, must operate to successfully address user needs. Some of the 26 user requirements used in Zylter’s UAS assessment algorithm include: Carrying Capacity, Maximum Controller Range, Automated Flight Management, Constrained Operating Space Capable and Real-Time Video Downlink. The relative importance of these user requirements is determined by the specific use case. The prioritized user requirements are then used to determine which technical attributes are most important and the best UAS options to meet the priority technical attributes. For example, below are the priority user requirements for the Vertical Site Monitoring application by the phase of the Zylter UAS employment profile.

Zylter UAS Employment Profile

8. What’s the vision of Zylter which would make a huge impact on the market?

Zylter brings integrates a multi-disciplinary team and international network to identify and develop bespoke technology solutions for commercial uses. We combine analysis, design, and engineering to provide tailored solutions based on a detailed understanding of the commercial user needs. Our approach allows us to bridge the gap between emerging technology developers and the commercial adopters and serve as the connective tissue of the emerging technology space for commercial sectors.