Role of Public Relations in Developing Manufacturing Industries

Role of Public Relations in Developing Manufacturing Industries

Public Relations Officer - An active element for promoting sales

In the age of globalization, the role of public relations officer has expanded, which was earlier subjected within the four walls of an office, to being active agents in business markets to promote sales. Essentially, public relations is directed towards assembling information, that an organization wants it public (customers, employees, stakeholders, the general public) to know.

The media elements like youtube, social networking and blogs have made the job of a public relations officer much easier as they can convey information through these mediums in a more effective way. Working together with the marketing team, public relations play a big role in generating leads for B2B companies. The complete function of public relations revolves around the content of the industry, an original research report, a webinar and an analysis report. These tools are instrumental in creating a buzz in the market about a product, thereby drawing attention.

Some of the ways and tools by which public relations officer can help sales grow in an industry are as follows:

1. Customer Relations

Good public relations efforts can help a firm create rapport with its customers, promote what it has to offer, and supplement its sales efforts. With this public relations generates demand and awareness about the product and company in the market. It the company/product on a business map for their potential customer to make choices. Public relations specialists help in building relationships with customers and potential customers in the business market to get their products placed.

2. Press Releases

Press releases of a company play an important role, in promoting the company image and brand within the business ecosystem. It should be released at regular intervals, through a common representative like a public relations officer. The press release is a news story written by an organization to promote a product, organization, or person. Press releases prepared by Public relations personnel helps the product find its way into media and disseminate the information to the public.

3. Video Clip

There have been instances when a company in the pursuit to expand their branches or business puts its feet on foreign soil. And most of the times, it is perceived negatively by locals because they have little information about the firms. As press releases can be used to promote the identity of the organization within the market, in the same way, press conferences can be conducted at regular intervals to announce its new projects, hiring, or a new project which they are likely to undertake and how it is going to help the community.

This would not only give an insight into the matters of the company to their existing customers but also have the chances of attracting potential customers in the market. The videos of these press conferences can be shot and used it for promotional activities. A firm can achieve this via public relations efforts.

4. Product Placement

To get a company's name or its product included as a part of a television show, movie, video game, special event or book is called product placement. With the help of this, the product reaches to the maximum in the society and within the community.

Public relations plays an important role to get the media partnership done for the company for the advertising of their products.

5. PR Programmes - A Source to Attract Potential Investors

Public relation is a source of credible collateral. It creates content and projects the company and its products highlighting its features, thereby attracting potential investors. To validate their highlights, they include endorsements from media and other credible third parties.

Public relations provides those signals in the form of testimonials and case studies in the media, as well as solid coverage that showcases the strength of the business.