Industrial Instruments For Measuring Electricity

Industrial Instruments For Measuring Electricity

It's important that the electrical measuring instruments we use to measure physical quantities around us are accurate. From the automotive industry to agriculture, and from weather to the medical field, getting accurate measurements is essential to make decisions and perform tasks. If you wish to carry out successful electric tests, it's important to use the right instruments for measuring electricity. Proper precautions and care must be taken in choosing the leads, measuring devices, test probes, voltage detection devices and lamps.  As choosing the wrong instrument may harm your electric facility and cause loss of machinery and life, it's important to use suitable industrial measuring instruments. If you wish to perform electrical tests, it's evident that selection of the right electrical measuring instrument complies with the international safety standards. Many manufacturers provide electrical test equipment.

We have listed below few of the instruments for measuring electricity.

A) Vapor Pressure Thermometers

One of the most versatile, economical and widely used industrial temperature measurement. Vapor pressure is a device used to measure temperature by measuring pressure exerted by a given volume of liquid or gas. These thermometers work on the principle of thermal expansion of fluid with the change in temperature to be measured. The change in temperature can be determined using these thermometers, which depend on pressure measurement.


  • A bulb
  • Bourdon tube
  • Flexible capillary tube
  • Pointer and scale arrangement
  • Linkage and gearing mechanism

Applications :

  • Boilers, compressors
  • Automobile dash board
  • Muscle microcalorimetry
  • Industrial equipments, piping

Advantages :

  • Distance Measurement
  • More sensitive and responsive (usually deliver a high-speed response)
  • Less expensive
  • Fundamental simplicity
  • Stable in operation and have a good accuracy
  • Direct recording or reading

B) Flow Sensors

In many technical systems, mass flow sensors are widely used to control the exact dosing of liquids or gases. The sensor size is modified to the pipe diameter, through which the gas or fluid is transported. In many processes, flow measurement, whether it's a gas or a liquid, is commonly an important parameter.

It's important to know that the right fluid is at the right place, in most operations. To ensure product quality, few critical applications require the ability to conduct accurate flow. Flow sensors are devices that measure a flow rate of fluid and these sensors are part of a flow meter that would help to measure the flow rate.

Different types of flow sensors are designed to measure pressure sensing and mass flow in different types of applications such as -

Also Read: Latest Advancements in Industrial Instrumentation for Automation

Applications :

  • Chemicals
  • Food
  • Beverages
  • Gas meter
  • Process auto-control
  • HVAC
  • Medical

C) Gas Expansion Thermometer

The gas expansion thermometers work best at very low temperatures. The most common type in use are the liquid thermometers. These industrial metrology instruments are simple, long-lasting, inexpensive and are able to measure a wide temperature span. Mercury, sealed in a glass tube with nitrogen gas making, is usually used.

Applications :

  • Dairy
  • Industrial
  • Marine
  • Heating Industries
  • Brewing and Food Industries

Advantages :

  • Gases have regular expansion
  • Gas thermometers have wide range of temperature scales
  • Very sensitive because the expansion of gases is considerable
  • Have low thermal capacity
  • Readings are close to thermodynamic scale

D) Tachometer

An instrument used for measuring the revolution or rotation speed of objects, such as an engine or shaft. Widely used in automobiles, marine engineering field, airplanes, and many others. This electrical measuring instrument measures revolutions per minute (RPMs) of engines.

Applications :

  • In broad range of vehicles such as trucks, airplanes, automobiles, trains, tractors and other light rail vehicles.
  • Marine Fleet - for measuring the rotating speed of the marine diesel machines on board ships. The tachometer shows the direction towards which the ship rotates.
  • Many laser instruments and devices
  • Medicine - with the help of a device called haema-tachometer, we can estimate the blood flow rate.