How B2B Platform Helps In Business Growth For Industrial Manufacturers And Suppliers?

Business Growth For Industrial Manufacturers And Suppliers

The advancement of digital technology has changed the scope of finance sector and business all over the world. There is more competition, more supply and demand changes day-by-day, as the consumer no longer buys the same way and the companies no longer sell the same. The rising demands of the market has given a path to new technologies and online business. In recent years, business-to-business or more commonly called B2B is on the rise and it has already infiltrated numerous industries all over the world. It's a type of relationship between two business entities. B2B has provided companies with additional assistance in manufacturing products or offering service to their customers. B2B for industrial suppliers or B2B for industrial manufacturers allows them to hold a unique position in the business market.

The target audience as well as every B2B product or service, is a little different. The marketers have to adjust their approaches accordingly. It's important to understand that every B2B strategy contains two components - channels and messaging. The B2B channels, which are further broken down into two groups - online and offline, are used to connect with potential customers. The B2B marketers can choose and pick from different online and offline channels, and analyze the results to see which channels work best for them. By utilizing all of the below B2B marketing channels, the industrial suppliers and manufacturers are supporting their business growth. Plant automation technology is one such kind of B2B platform which uses all the below mentioned marketing channels.

Some of the most common online and offline B2B marketing channels are -

  • Showcase your products
  • E-Newsletter
  • Sponsorship
  • Email marketing
  • Webinars
  • Online banners

A) Showcase Your Products

Many small business owners, especially those that work with the B2B market, might have asked themselves about how attractive is their business to other businesses. However, they aren't always sure how to attract and retain customers, since measuring the satisfaction of B2B customers is more difficult than asking consumers for their feedback.  It's undeniable that, unlike marketing to customers, catching the attention of B2B customers requires a whole different approach. The B2B customers don't have much time to understand difficult concepts. When you are presenting your company, just stick to clean, straightforward imagery and words and be as simple as possible, when describing your products or services.

Try to showcase your service or product in action, and let prospective B2B customers see for themselves what your business can do for them. Try to attract new customers with your existing ones. The testimonials featured on your website shows why B2B customers have chosen your products or services over all the others on the market. Convince prospective customers to do business with you by showcasing your expertise about the market.

B2B websites have relevant visitors as they work along SEO and attract decision makers from the relevant industry. This makes it extremely easy to have your products listed on the website.

B) E-Newsletter

If you are in business of marketing to business, then you'll definitely need an e-newsletter. Huge amounts of emails are received everyday by the B2B customers about news updates, products and services, discounts, offers, seminars and conferences, and everything else you can think of . Your e-newsletter will expand the reach of your content, paving the way for more sales and leads. You get an opportunity to increase awareness and understand your company and its products and services, by publishing an e-newsletter.

Apart from this, a newsletter can show your expertise and build confidence in your company as a potential supplier. Maintain contact with prospects and customers between purchases or sales call by issuing newsletters at regular intervals, i.e. weekly, monthly or quarterly. Also, you can boost up the coverage of your target audience with the help of newsletters. Especially, when it involves email communication, B2B businesses understand the value of a smart and properly executed digital marketing strategy.

C) Sponsorship

Often seen as an expensive form of advertising. It's an increasingly popular marketing technique used by most businesses to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. B2B sponsorship, if done properly, has the capability of assisting in generating consumer preference and making your brand to stand out in the crowded business environment.

In the B2B world, there's a common misconception that sponsorship is best used as a platform for B2C brands. However, a number of B2B businesses are using and benefitting from sponsorship. It's also a successful tool for many. Whether you are into a B2B or B2C business, sponsorship can definitely help you to differentiate your brand.  Sponsorship can be a fantastic platform to raise brand awareness quickly, and generate interest in your products, if you are planning to launch into new markets or regions.

D) E-mail Marketing

The ease at which it can be tailored for the individual needs of clients, is one of the biggest benefits in using Email for marketing campaigns. It's one of the most common digital strategies around and still incredibly effective. The marketers can stay in touch and nurture leads with regular messages, all from the convenience of their inboxes. Special offers, new products or content can be included in the emails, that will be valuable for readers, keeping them engaged with your brand.

B2B companies can target their clients, according to a specific buyer persona and get benefit from greater likelihood of responses. Moreover, they can experience a greater ROI and the weekly or monthly B2B newsletters can help you pull in clients rather in one of the most cost-effective ways.  Take a different approach  instead of trying to draw in leads, add value like- you can send emails that offer your tricks, subscribers tips, ideas or education on a topic strongly related to your industry, services or product. Doing this will increase their appreciation of you, making them more likely to choose when they are in need of your services. Build a strong campaign and ensure your subscribers get the right information at the right time, to get the most out of  your email marketing strategy.

E) Webinars

Webinars are a critical part of any marketing strategy. They help develop deeper connections with prospects and give a chance to grow your reach, email lists and generate serious revenue along the way. With B2B webinars, the companies are granted an opportunity to target a specific audience on the advantages and benefits of their specific corporate offerings. Why do you think the B2B companies need to conduct webinars? Well, the reasons are very clear - it would be for lead generation, customer engagement, direct sales, digital footprint, and for brand resonance. Webinars are interactive and give you high conversion rates, than other marketing channels. It's also one of the best ways to position yourself as an industry expert. You can deliver your content and message overall to large groups of people. But, its equally important to have the ability to interact with users individually.

Moreover, engaging with your webinar audience to understand their biggest challenges, business goals, and most frequently asked questions, can be powerful marketing intelligence. In short, we can say, webinars are an effective way to generate leads for your organization.

F) Online Banners

For B2B marketing, banners have become the most important means of promotions and business marketing on any virtual platform. A banner ad for B2B is nothing but only a graphical form of marketing and promotion usually used on various websites, to advertise a certain brand or any particular product. A lot of money can be actually saved on making multiple banners, and using the same banner on multiple websites. The banner ads can be used to tell people about all your contact details. Attracting people towards your product or message, and making them click the banner so that they can be redirected to your company's website is the main motto behind creating these banner ads. Besides the online platform, physical banners are also quite useful for B2B marketing, wherein you can witness a variety of banners all over your city or locality. Few businesses, before the business compound is set up, use banner ads to promote their brand name and different promotional offers.

The banners hold a strong position to make your business a grand success in the long run, be it B2B marketing or any other marketing strategies. They are effective in drawing attention to your products or services.

You can see the great impact of banner marketing from the above benefits. It will allow you to target customers, build your brand and increase your sales.

Plant automation technology is one of the top B2B platform that helps your business grow globally. List your business with us and see how our mutual association leads to enhanced business opportunities for you. You can view our portal’s refurbished content and latest additions by visiting